
Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Haere mai 2021

Welcome back to our Education for Sustainability Programme at Sunnyhills School!

Our Koru & Kowhai learners kicked off the year looking at Litter Free Seas, Bees and Composting. The Greenfingers Gang set to tackling the weeds in the Edible Gardens and eating all the carrots we've grown over summer.

Next week we'll be thinking about rubbish free lunches, selecting our Eco leaders and looking at what lives in the worm farms.


  1. Great start to the year my little Enviro cherubs

  2. So great to have busy GEMS back in the gardens to keep on top of it all! Thanks Mrs Daniel & GEMS... I love the sunflowers too!

  3. Wow you found a lot of rubbish in the gardens! Thanks for cleaning the school! -Chloe

  4. Hello great job you environmentalists you guys are doing a great job in the edible gardens. Keep it up you shining gems, Oliver

  5. Hi! Good job Kuro and Kowhai! is there anything else you think you can do? You have been doing such a great job! Keep up the good work From Amelia

  6. Wow! This is super cool! i like the sunflowers with the bees it is fascinating.

    From Harry Tom and joeric. Room 14

  7. Hi Great job for picking up lots of rubbish! You guys were making the garden much cleaner than before, good work!-Eric

  8. great work picking up rubbish
