Today K2 began looking at climate change. We began by clarifying the misconception that the hole in the ozone layer is to do with climate change. It doesn't have anything to do with climate change but does go to show humans can come together to fix their environmental mistakes.
Next we took part in a Climate Change Breakout provided by Live Lightly at the Eye On Nature event. We worked as a team to solve the clues and learnt everyday actions we can take to live a lower carb life:
- bike or walk
- eat vegetarian more
- reuse items
Our time was 9minutes and 15 seconds. We won the class competition!! Mrs Daniel said we were quickest because we had great communication.
Next we found out there is lots of misinformation about climate change. We did a Kahoot and sorting game to investigate ideas about climate change and causes of carbon dioxide using the new KNZB Climate Ready Classroom resource.
Next time we'll learn about the role of scientists.