
Wednesday 20 March 2024

Year Six Tamaki Estuary Exploration & Environmental Action

 Today Year 6 began our estuary inquiry.  We are going to be action learning for the Tamaki Estuary.  We are on a mission for our mahi to lead to authentic actions that will protect our local moana.

Some of our Estuary prior knowledge:

Ellen "Like a river"

Annabelle "There's trees"

Stephen "It's very watery and there's some mud sometimes"

Sophie "It's like a waterway"

Emme "It's got fish"

Matthew "It's got boats"

Ellen "It's got mangroves and eels"

Stephen "When the mangroves are small they are spikey"

Arta "People sail there"

Taanvi "There's underwater plants"

Albert "There's fresh water fish"

Oskar "There's takahe there"

After an introductory slideshow and Kahoot to review our new knowledge we recorded what we knew, our experiences, what we wondered and how we were going to find out more.

Some of our Wonderings:

Where does our estuary start and why does it start there?

Elizabeth "What plants grow there?"

Kayden "What types of fish live there?"

London "What is different about estuary fish.  What birds live there"

Harry "Will there still be estuaries in a 100 years?"

Eliza "Are there bees or wasps in estuaries"

Manushee "Are there any insects that live there"

Ruby "In 100 years will the estuary be better or worse?"

Where we thought we can find out more:

Rory "Google Earth"

Mark "Water testing"

Katara "Visit the estuary"

Zoha "Websites"

Annie "Young Ocean Explorers"

Jerry "Documentaries, books and Auckland City Council"

Lastly we took action:

K2 collected  211 of litter

K3 weeded the native bush area

k1 released trees in the bird corridor

Next time we're looking forward to learning more about the importance of estuaries and the different habitats they provide.

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