Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Weta Hotel - A Gift From Our Local Keas - Living Landscapes - Sustainable Communities - Taking Action

Koru Whanau have been learning about the animals in our back yard; our most exciting discoveries included tree wetas in the native bush walk. We wondered how we could protect and encourage these endemic taonga. 

Our wonderful local Kea group has just the answer! They've been building weta houses. Sunnyhills School and the Marae in Howick are two of the lucky recipients of their hard work. 

Griffin, Drake, Hannah & Roman presented Mrs Daniel with the weta house and will help to find just the right spot in the native bush walk. Thank you!

Next we'll go on another bug hunt and reflect on any changes.  Will we see more wetas now they have a cosy hotel?

Want to make your own weta house? Check out this article on the science learning hub: https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/1964-building-homes-for-tree-weta 


  1. That is really cool and creepy at the same time!

  2. WOW! Let's hope more weta come into the hotel! I wish I was there!

  3. Wow,how did you find that?

  4. WOW. That is a big weta house! Hopefully, more wetas will come ;)
