Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Reviewing the Sunnyhills Care Code

Our Care Code hadn't been reviewed since 2011, so Going Gold decided it was time to take a look.

We thought it needed to be:
brighter, bigger, colourful, more pictures, more visible around the school, in kid speak.

We all went back to our classes to review what we thought it should say and then
shared back with the group.

We're still looking for feedback. What do you think of the SUNNYHILLS CARE CODE
so far? Please read and comment below:

SUNNYHILLS CARE CODE 2018 - for review...

At Sunnyhills School each of us are RESPONSIBLE for making everyday decisions that help create a sustainable world.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink & Refuse

Learn About Sustainability

Be Waste Wise - Pick Up Litter, Worm Farm, Compost, Keep Outside Drains Clean & Bring A Naked Lunch

Protect Our Environment - Grow Food, Plant Trees & Trap Pests

Be Enviro Energy Experts - Turn Off Lights, Walk, Bike & Scooter as much as we can.

Respect & Celebrate Our Differences

Collaborate With Our Communities to Help Care For Our World

The old code for comparison

Next steps - 

The Room 18 News Team are going to interview people and present the code in a video update.

Year 3 are going to present the code in Eric Carle style posters.


  1. Wow! Some great messages there. I can see that you have all been working very hard on this. Keep up the great work team!
    Mrs Nelson

  2. I like the way it is easy to read and the key words are underlined.
    Mrs grant

  3. Some fabulous ideas there Going Green Gold. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!

  4. I like how you've included 'Be Waste Wise' I think it's really important to think about the best place for our waste to go - or if we can have no waste to start with.

  5. Great to see everyone's voice on our learning journey! R14 feel their responsibility for the Worm Bins is a way of participating throughout the school community and teaching each other how to care for our Environment.

  6. Awesome ideas and good reminders there for us all to live by.

  7. I really love how our learners work collaboratively to collect student voice and review our Care Code. Ka pai e hoa ma!

  8. What a fantastic way to change the Care code by giving the students and community ownership! Such amazing work which fits in perfectly with our Enviro sessions and all of the other amazing work that Mrs Daniel, Mrs Venville and the team are doing at Sunnyhills School.
    Keep up the great work. We've got this!
    From Mrs Burge
