Wednesday 15 May 2024

Year Five Kumara Harvest

Today Year Five consulted the Maramataka and noticed the yellow leaves on our vines, so we knew it was time to harvest our kumara.

It felt like a treasure hunt working together to dig up the kumara. John said it felt amazing when he dug up the biggest kumara. 

Roast Kumara





  1.  Get your kumara and wash it

  2. Cut it on the cutting board and place it on a tray

  3. Sprinkle salt and drizzle Olive Oil on the kumara

  4. Place it in the oven and wait 20 minutes or more

  5. Get it out of the oven and wait for it to cool

  6. Now enjoy your delicious tasty kumara! By Olivia X

One day, room 3 went digging for kumara.
We dug lots of kumaras out of the ground.
Lisa was in a group with Ruby, and Yumi
was in a group with Stella and Alexandra.
We learned the kumara is ready to dig up
when the leaves are yellow.
We learnt how to roast it with salt and olive oil.

The kumara tasted like heaven.
It was yummy!!!!
By Lisa Lin💜 and Yumi Laxina🩷


Tuesday 14 May 2024

Making Friends with Insects

 In their Enviro lesson with Mrs Daniel today, the tamariki were learning what makes an animal an insect.

Lily "I saw a weta.  It looks like brown leaves"

Ciaran "I saw a bumble bee. They can sting us.The weta was really big"

Harry "The bumble bee had stripes and a stinger"

Colt "The butterfly is my favourite"

Keaton "The legs come out of the thorax"

Amy "Their tummy is inside the abdomen"

Harvey "Their bodies are hard"

Zoey "Insects have 3 body parts"

Evie "A preying mantis is an insect because it has six legs, a head, a thorax, an abdomen, attenae and an exoskelotan"

We went to explore the gardens with magnifying glasses.

Evan found a golden flying insect on the brocolli and black ants on the path.

Bowie said "I think there are insects on those leaves because i can see holes.  Caterpillars eat leaves"

Violet "I found a baby snail.  It is not an insect because it has no legs"

We reviewed what we'd learnt with insect picture cards. 

Amyra "They have an exoskelaton" 

Harry "Insects have six legs"

Kate "Insects have a head"

Violet "They have an abdomen"

Isla "They have antennae" 

Next time we want to draw our own insect .

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Year 6 Estuary Animal Champions


Today Year Six revised how we can categorise the estuary animals into endemic, native, introduced and pest.  We want to promote which animals live in our local estuary so people value the esturary and it's biodiversity. We were lucky enought to have eDNA information about the animals living in the estuary from the Wakaaranga Eco Warriors - Wilderlab eDNA Report for Wakaaranga Creek

We thought about how to champion the animals in our local estuary:

Ruby said posters to display down at the estuary.

Elizabeth added we could create a play or video with estuary animals in it.  Ticket sales could support environmental groups.

Tai suggested creating short informative videos.

We broke into groups to plan our campaigns.

K1 groups - 

White Faced Heron Group

Cockles Group

Springtail Group

Pied Shag Group

Snapper Group

Banded Kokopu

Mosquito Fish Group

Short Finned Eel

K3 Groups:

Short finned eel


Mud Crab


Oyster Catcher

Pied Stilt

Red Bill Seagull


K2 Groups:




Variable Oyster Catcher



Tuesday 7 May 2024

Year Two - Mahi in the Mara Kai

 Today Year 2 had Enviro with Mrs Daniel. They learnt about the important job our Sunny Honey Bees do pollinating our food.  

Brylee "Bees help plants grow"

Jay "I had honey from the school so that's also why we have bees"

David said "Bees move pollen to another flower so they can make seeds"

Sophia added "Bees get nectar from the flower to make honey"

Lucy knew "If a bee stings you they will die"

Mila "Bees take pollen out of flowers"

Archie "They spit out the nectar at the hive"

Leo "If the bees are boys they will be called a drone"

We all visited the bee hives and camelias to observe the bees closely.

We wanted to help the bees by planting flowers for them.

Room 10 & 14 moved soil and fed the gardens with worm tea.

Room 13 planted broadbean seeds in the new bed Rooms 10&14 had created. 

The broadbeans' black and white flowers will feed the bees with nectar.. The bees will move the pollen so the flowers turn into beans for us to eat. 

Thank you for your mahi Year 2!

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Year Five Spin the Carbon Cycle


In between showers, Year Five helped our Ngahuru Mara Kai (autumn food garden) by collecting hot compost and moving it into our mara kai.  We planted our Tukurua (winter) crops incuding kohlrabi, spring onions, kale and callendula.  Then we watered with worm tea.  

Lastly we harvested feijoas and carrots to eat. Next time we meet we'll be diving back into our sea studies.