Tuesday 2 April 2019

Exploring Climate Change

Today we researched how CO2 released into the atmosphere, when humans burn fossil fuel, contributes to climate change.

We set up an experiment to explore this theory. While we waited for the ice to melt we picked and ate carrots and kohlrabi from the garden.

We also watched Greta Thunberg's address to the UN. She is fighting for more to be done to address climate change. She's only 15 years old!

Finally we recorded our results. The ice in the covered jar melted 8 minutes and 23seconds faster than the ice in the uncovered jar. The cover on the jar mimics the insulating effects of CO2 in the atmosphere.

What are you doing to help fight climate change?


  1. Thanks for letting me know the results of the experiment. Very interesting. It is everyone's responsibility to do what they can to help fight climate change.

  2. Interesting results from the experiment. I love the look of those vegetables too!

  3. Amazing discovery!

    Hi there, It's amazing how big the difference is between the covered jar and the uncovered jar.
    Good job on the stunning experiment. I bet those carrots were delicious to eat while you were waiting for the ice to melt!
    Greta Thunberg is awesome on how she fights climate change.
    Those were big chunks of ice too, it's quite weird, isn't it?
    I can't believe climate change can do so much to the earth and we do so little to the earth back to help it, we should all be more like Greta Thunberg and care for the environment!
    Just to add, those kohlrabi are massive, well I haven't really seen kohlrabi before in my whole life.

    I hope you all have an amazing day.
    Sincerely, Renee Hatfield
