Sunday 16 August 2020

Eco Challenge - Composting at home to help Mother Earth and fight climate change.

Composting and worm farming at home are a great way to help mother earth and help reverse climate change, as it creates nutrient rich soil and pulls carbon out of the atmosphere.

I'd love to see pictures of your own compost, worm farms, fruit trees or vege gardens. Email Me! Have fun outside tamariki ma.

Want to find out more about why to compost? Watch this:

Great instructions here too:


  1. Come on Sunnyhills Eco Warriors get composting!

  2. Fantastic video Mrs Daniel, I have been inspired to start our own compost bin very soon. We started our worm bin last year and it is going very well, however I can't get rid of our garden rubbish. This will be a project our family will get involved in. Thank you, Mrs M :-)
