Tuesday 25 July 2023

Exploring ideas of privilege and equality - The Chip Packet Project

Year 3,5, 5 & 6 took part in an experiment to explore privilege and equality. The experiment is outined here:

We threw a piece of paper representing all our life's goals, aspirations and dreams into a container but weren't allowed to move from our place on the mat.

This is what the tamariki thought:


I feel like when you're trying to reach a goal you can't always reach it the first time.

You can succeed in life sometimes but not all the time

You'll succeed in life. You can always but eventually you will.

It was harder in the front becasue you didn't want to overshoot

Even if you're so far behind if you push through you'll achieve.

Some pople are lucky and some people aren't.  If you try hard you have a bigger chance of succeeding.

It's like throwing yourself out there.  When you hit you're succeeding and trying harder.

K2 - We were born smart and the people at the back need to try harder.  It's not equal.

Work hard to achieve what you want

You won't always succeed

Room 6 - It's easy at the front

Some of your dreams will come true and some won't

Life comes with many challenges and you have to face your fears and work hard


People at the front have it easy, but if you're at the back you'll learn to work hard

Poeple are born in different places and it will be harder of easier to reach your goal

Room6 - You have to concentrate and work hard

I think it's actually have to practice to get better


It wasn't fair if you start at the back because you have less chance.

The pople in front are like the rich becasue they were born with stuff and they were closer to their goals and didn't have to work so hard. The people in the back were the people who actually had to work hard to get what they want.

Life is not as easy as you think.

If you keep trying you can achieve your goals.

The people at the front had it easier.  People who are rich get better school, better education and build more wealth so it's easy to get richer.

It's easier if you're at the front because you can see better.  If you're at the back there are things in the way.

It was unfair becasue we couldn't see.

If you're at the front you could help the people at the back.

K2 - Depending on where you were it wasn't fair

People at the front had an advantage.

Privilege is something you're grateful for and gives you a better chance.

Room 6 - It's tricky because it's harder at the back.  If you're at the front the target is closer.

Life is not fair.  

Even if you got it in it's still not fair.

What sorts of things are a privilege to be born into? Born into royalty, born the oldest, being born in some places were there are better education, having responsible parents, having money, having strict parents, good health, luck, technology, education

We explored issues of poverty and how climate change is worsening this.  We identified the difference betweeen wants and need with a deserted island and sorting activity.  Te tangata living in poverty don't have their basic needs met.

What do we already do help lift people out of poverty at Sunnyhills:
-Jammies in June
- Donate cans of food for the food bank
- Gumboot Day
- Mufti Days

What else could we do?
- Grow kai and donate it
- Chip Packet Project
Give secondhand clothes to charity shops

Please put your clean chip packets in the bin in the Junior Courtyard, so we can make survival blankets for people who are cold.

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