Tuesday 6 August 2024

Takahe vs Pukeko with Year Three


Year Three are beginning to look at our native birds.  We began our enquiry by comparing and contrasting our local pukekos with the very rare takahe.  

Matty "I see pukekos by the motorway"

Constance "Takehe have green backs and pukeko have black backs"

Hunter "Takahe are fat and pukeko are skinny"

We recorded our research in a venn diagram.  

Next we found out about Manaki and Walter, two takahes that escaped from tawharanui marine reserve.

Lastly we drew our own artistic pukeko and cleaned up litter in our playground that might make its way to the waterways where our pukeko live.

Next time we are going to learn about the shy bittern that also lives in our wetland areas and enter the Forest Bridge Trust Art Competition.

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