Wednesday 11 September 2024

Flowers for Bee's with Year Rua

 Today Year Two took action for our bees. 

What have you learnt about bees?

Kasey "Bees can sting you."

"When the bees sting the sting comes out of there body" Yeja

Azara "When bees move the pollen it sticks on their fuzzy body"

Aila "Bees make honey with nectar from the flowers"

Mila "Bees spread the pollen"

Archie "Bees pollinate flower to flower".

How can we help our bees?

"Don't let them sting you or they die" Lucas C

Azara "Don't shoo them.  Just stand still"

"Don't kill the plants" Kenny

"Water the flowers so they can get the pollen and nectar when it grows" Marcus

"Plant more flowers" Allan

We decided to grow flowers for the bees. First we read the seed packets.  

What do the seed packets tell us?

Joshua "We can plant the seeds in the ground to make flowers for the bees and butterflies"

Chace "They will attract bees and butterflies"

Clara "The flowers will appear after 10weeks"

Archie "You have to plant them in well drained soil

 Last year we learnt how to make seeds grow, so first we collected compost to give the soil nutrients. We saw lots of fungus and bugs!

Each of us helped to sprinkle the flower seeds on our new garden. 

Alyssa "The seeds were tiny and all different" 

While we were in the Mara Kai we also tasted broad bean leaves. 

Leo " They taste minty"

We saw little bumble bees on the flowers.

Hopefully next term we'll see our flowers and even more bees!

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