Wednesday 10 August 2016

2016 Edible Garden Journey

At the end of 2015 we found that we had to acquire a resource consent to remove some of the  pohutukawa trees on the boundary line to make way for the planting of the garden.  (The original site was found to have a major sewer line going through it so we wanted to move it along the bank).  

Mrs Venville met with a Consultant Arborist during the school holidays.  

Term 1
report was prepared and  attached to resource consent documentation Mrs Venville had prepared and submitted to the Council on the 12/2

Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki expressed an interest in the application for the removal of the Pohutukawa trees on the 11/3.  Mrs Venville and Mrs Driver met with the Kaitiaki on the 18/3  and the trust had no objection to the felling of the trees and were not even interested in the wood as the trees were in such poor condition. 

Unfortunately the Council would only grant for the removal of 2 trees which was not enough room for the long term plans of the garden and orchard. 

Not deterred it was decided to relocate the garden to behind M/S prefabs.

Term 2
The Enviro group worked with Noble-Campbell who is a specialist Education for Sustainability teacher.  They will have sessions later in Term 3 and 4 to investigate options and formulate an action plan. They will be looking at things such as - irrigation, compost bins, new worm bins, tools needed, upkeep, fencing options etc and ideas for stage 2 which the whole school will have input on.

Working bee on the 29/5 to dig in planters, flatten area for Trees For Survival structure.  Tree seedlings pricked out and planted in Root trainers by Senior and M/S students.  M/S plants germinated and planted in planter boxes.  Room 18 spouting repaired as was leaking into garden area

The Caretaker Mr Lesley cleaned out worm bin in Junior courtyard and it has been restocked with worms and bedding by Mrs Daniels and Rm 20 who is looking after it.  
New compost and worm bin are to be purchased for Edible Garden Area
Mrs Venville and the Enviro Group will be investigating best option for a large school bin

We had a staff meeting facilitated by Sian Noble-Campbell on Education for Sustainability in week 9 of Term 2.


  1. The garden has changed so much sense then, it is better, hope our garden will keep on going!

  2. Wow!It's so cool to see how much the Edible Garden has changed!

  3. Wow!It's so cool to see how much the Edible Garden has changed!
