Tuesday 7 April 2020

Charli's Eco Bricks

Check out Charli's eco bricks, that she's creating out of waste. I wonder how we could use these... let me know your ideas in the comments or email christined@sunnyhills.school.nz.

Awesome work Charli!!

Here's some more info about eco bricks from her whanau:

We are making eco-bricks out of 2L coke bottles that we stuff with all the plastic we are using. These can be used as art to raise awareness to the environment especially after the way it has improved with this global shut down we don’t want it to destruct again afterwards

We were part of this in SA made loads for the foundation in Port Elizabeth who used them to build libraries and extra classrooms at schools in the poorer communities and to promote looking after the environment. I know here they have been frowned upon that it speculates it promotes us to buy more to fill the bottle (Not true) or in the event that piece of land is demolished and then where does it go (can understand) but I am sure that if we thought hard we could bring it in somewhere at school through art. Take care and stay safe.

Stay tuned to our GreenGold Enviro Blog to hear about some exciting competitions we can enter from  home to help create a sustainable future!


  1. Wow Charli what an innovative idea. You certainly have the Sunnyhills shine 🌞

  2. Awesome work Charli, my family in England are doing this as well. They have created a small outdoor footstool and covered it with waterproof material. I hope to see what you will make in the future. From Mrs Madden
