Sunday 19 April 2020

Wai Wonderings by Indi

It's so wonderful to see all the GEMS choosing to think about sustainability issues in the stay home time.

Have a look at Indi's slide show about water. How could you save water during the drought? Tino pai Indi!!


  1. Woah! Indi, that is awesome. I know Mr Burge wanted to use the jet wash last week but we didn't because it used too much water. It has been raining a little but I think we will still wait a wee while before we use it.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Great work Indi! I am showing this to my kids, some great tips. Mrs V.

  3. Indi I am so impressed that you have chosen to think about sustainability issues while in lockdown. Your slide show about water is very cool - lots of practical ideas for Mrs Venville to try. Keep shining!
