Tuesday 9 June 2020

☀️🍯🐝 Sunny Honey 🐝🍯☀️

🐝🍯☀️ - SUNNY HONEY - ☀️🍯🐝

Our very own "Sunny Honey" is now for sale at the school office - all natural no preservatives and made by Sunnyhills School's hard-working bees.

Honey is full of healthy anti-oxidants and naturally anti-bacterial. The white 'honey foam' you can see in the jars shows our honey is high quality. Heat gently to soften (not in a microwave), if you want to retain the honeys healthy properties.

$15 medium
$25 large

Congratulations to Stefanie & Georgia from Team Four, who created the winning name and label for our honey. We had many excellent designs to choose from. Well done everyone who entered the Honey Label Competition.


  1. Good job Stephany and Georgia because of you guys we have our very own "school honey!"

  2. Well done Stephanie and Georgia because you guys have done a great job of making the title "Sunny honey".I wish I can taste it!-By Ethan Zhang
