Wednesday 19 June 2024

Year 6 - Estuaries and Te Ao Maori

 Today Year Six explored how Maori are connected to the whenua and whakapapa back to estuaries, rivers and maunga.  We talked about how Maori have a relationship of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) rather than ownership. This strong connection is shown in the mihimihi/pepeha introductions. Tai was able to share his pepeha with us.

We revised our knowledge of Te Reo Maori terms with a quiz

Next we explored the idea of kaitiakitanga by reading Kaitiaki of the Stream We discussed the challenges Maori face preserving their estuaries and streams with issues such as bush clearance, fertiliser run off and stormwater.  Our Eco Leaders are being kaitiaki tomorrow when we go to plant 800 trees we have grown to protect waterways in Clevedon.

Estuaries traditionally were places to gather kai and offered important transpor links for waka.  To end our lesson we created paper waka and tested if they floated.

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