Wednesday 22 May 2024

2024 Waste Audit


2024 Waste Audit 

Thursday 22nd May 2024

Today Ms Daniel and Year Six conducted our waste audit.

Paper recycling and general waste collection costs Sunnyhills School $5036+gst per year. 

Classroom Waste Bins

Compostable .16kg

Recyclable .98kg (Pizza boxes were .42)

General Waste .82kg

Total - 1.96kg

Amount that was in the wrong bins - 1.14kg 🙁

Staffroom Waste Bins

Compostable .56

Recyclable .1

General Waste.38kg

Amount in the wrong bins .66 :(

Total 1.04

Recycling Bin 

Total 0.1

Soft Plastic Total 

Total <0.1

Total that could have been diverted if correct bins used 1.81kg

Total sent to landfill 3kg

Diverted From Landfill

Paper Recycling

Total 5.9 kg 

Hot Compost and Worm Farm

Total 2.22

Comingled Recycling .1

Total diverted from landfill 8.22kg


- there used to be lots of masks and now there are none, but there are lots of tissues

- pizza boxes in the wrong bin increased our landfill by nearly 25%

- 1.14 kg of waste in classroom bins could have been composted or recycled so more education is needed

- If the all teachers used the hot compost bin we could reduce our staffroom waste by half


  • Eco Leaders to talk to all the classes about putting pizza boxes in the paper recycling bin and using the correct bins.

  • Emily and Monique will make posters reminding everyone to use the right bins

  • Mrs Daniel will announce in the staffroom a reminder that pizza boxes can go in recycling and using the hot compost bin

  • Mrs Daniel will email all teachers to remind them to use the hot compost bin in the staffroom

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