Wednesday 29 May 2024

Energetic Year Five

 Today Year Five began a new enquiry into sustainable energy.  First, we had to learn what energy is and how it transforms.  Did you know that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another"?

We completed activities defining types of energy and their transformations in our online workbook. Then we did some fun experiments to create static energy with balloons, feathers, spoons, salt and pepper: S&P Experiment & Balloon Experiment

How can we seperate the salt and pepper? 

Olivia A "Use the spoon to move the grains into seperate piles"

Hazel "Sieve it so the smaller pepper grains fall through"

Blake "Blow it"

We learnt we can generate static electricity to pick up the pepper by rubbing a plastic spoon on our hair and then hovering it over the mixture.

What did you observe?

Harper "I saw the pepper jump up onto the spoon"

Alexander "The more you rub the spoon the more pepper comes up"

Toby "It was static electricity"

Next time we're learning how active travel to school can use energy sustainably and it's great for our bodies and minds too. Do you walk, bike, scooter or 'park&walk' to school?

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