Tuesday 14 May 2024

Making Friends with Insects

 In their Enviro lesson with Mrs Daniel today, the tamariki were learning what makes an animal an insect.

Lily "I saw a weta.  It looks like brown leaves"

Ciaran "I saw a bumble bee. They can sting us.The weta was really big"

Harry "The bumble bee had stripes and a stinger"

Colt "The butterfly is my favourite"

Keaton "The legs come out of the thorax"

Amy "Their tummy is inside the abdomen"

Harvey "Their bodies are hard"

Zoey "Insects have 3 body parts"

Evie "A preying mantis is an insect because it has six legs, a head, a thorax, an abdomen, attenae and an exoskelotan"

We went to explore the gardens with magnifying glasses.

Evan found a golden flying insect on the brocolli and black ants on the path.

Bowie said "I think there are insects on those leaves because i can see holes.  Caterpillars eat leaves"

Violet "I found a baby snail.  It is not an insect because it has no legs"

We reviewed what we'd learnt with insect picture cards. 

Amyra "They have an exoskelaton" 

Harry "Insects have six legs"

Kate "Insects have a head"

Violet "They have an abdomen"

Isla "They have antennae" 

Next time we want to draw our own insect .

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