Tuesday 28 May 2024

Bok Choy Banquet with Year Three

 Today, Year 3 harvested the bountiful bok choy from our Mara Kai. We talked about how it had grown from last year's plants with the help of our school bees. Mrs Daniel had left two plants to go to flower and now there's lots of plants that have grown from the scattered seeds.

Ciara "It tasted sweet and a little bit bitter".

Coby "I had a stomach ache and it cured it".

Tino "The bok choy was juicy and nice".

Afterwards we typed recounts in a Google Doc:

Bok choy noodle Soup

Today Room 18 and Ms Daniel cooked up Bok choy noodle soup.We went to the kitchen and

chopped up the bok choy with a big knife.Next we added it to noodle and flavours and water.

Ms Daniel boiled it all for 3 minutes.We each got a cup.Ms Daniel said we could slurp it.  It tasted like normal noodle and vegetable.  I liked it.  Jin Room 18.


Enviro Bok Choy Noodle Soup

Today we went to Enviro. We went into the kitchen.

We played Sustainable Shaun.

Some people made the soup.

We ate some. It was delicious.

Then we cleaned the cups&forks.

We left and that's how I came to write this story 

The end. Matty

Room 8 and Ms Daniel had bokchoy soup and it smelt  and tasted sooooo good. The noodles  were the best part for me. I didn't ’t like the bokchoy that much. Madison

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